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Thursday 21 October 2010

Olive Oil Pizza Bread

I have been making OLIVE OIL Pizza Bread tonight.  It is a delicious way to use some of your special extra virgin olive oil and a great accompaniment to any sort of pasta dish.

Pizza Bread Recipe:

750g strong white flour
1 sachet easy blend dried yeast
200ml milk
225ml warm water
1 tablespoon olive oil

plus: rosemary leaves, chilli flakes, sea salt and more olive oil to put on the top!

Mix the flour and yeast together in a large bowl.  Mix the water, milk and olive oil together and pour into the flour, stirring to make a ball of dough which leaves the sides of the bowl clean.

Turn the dough onto a floured surface and knead for 10 minutes until smooth and silky. Wash and dry your bowl, wipe inside it with a film of olive oil and put the bread mixture back in to rise (this will take about an hour and a half in a warm place).

When the dough has risen put your oven on to its highest setting and put a baking sheet in to heat. 

Turn the dough out of the bowl and divide into three pieces (I normally freeze two for later - when using thaw and pick up recipe again at this stage).  Roll into a round about 1cm thick.  Leave for 5 minutes then poke the tips of your fingers into the dough to make holes that will retain the olive oil.  Drizzle the top with olive oil, sprinkle with chopped fresh rosemary, add some dried chilli flakes and a sprinkling of sea salt.

the dough sprinkled with rosemary, chili and sea salt
and drizzled with extra virgin olive oil

Now comes the tricky bit - take your very hot baking sheet out of the oven, stand it somewhere heatproof like the oven hob while you carefully place your bread onto it.  At this stage your neat round will probably end up a much more rustic shape but that is all part of its charm.

Bake for about 10 - 12 minutes (turning the baking sheet round after 8 minutes if it is browning too much on one side).

We normally devour this as soon as its cool enough to eat.
the baked olive oil pizza bread
This recipe has been based on one in the Low Fat No Fat Cookbook published by Reader's Digest.

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