Welcome to the blog that accompanies the Olive Picking website

visit www.OlivePicking.com for the best olive picking holidays and experiences.

Sunday 24 April 2011

An Easter Wish

There is a lovely tradition across the Mediterranean of blessing olive branches in church on Palm Sunday, these are then taken back and placed in the home to ensure its protection throughout the year to come. 

May I wish all my website visitors a safe year and a very Happy Easter.

Monday 18 April 2011

Peach Blossom In An Olive Tree

A peach tree seedling had clambered its way up into an old olive tree and was decorating the branches with perfect, almost artificial looking, pink flowers. I would love to see it when the fruit start to ripen.

Thursday 14 April 2011

Pruning Time

I have just returned from visiting the Le Marche and Abruzzo regions of Italy and everywhere olive trees were being pruned.  The weather was glorious and each fine day was marked with spirals of smoke reaching out across the valleys as the branches were burnt. It was really good to see the trees being so well cared for.